Ja‐Co Welding is equipped with three large rig up pads, each with enough room to set up and operate a complete rig.

Our first pad is a 90’ x 150’ level cement pad with a rig up shack. The yard around the pad is gravel and can be used for additional length and width if required. It is sourced with 280, 460 and 600 volt power.

Our second pad is a 250’ x 150’ level gravel pad, also sourced with 280, 460 and 600 volt power and a rig up shack. This pad has a 9 5/8” cased test hole to a depth of 103m.

Our third pad is the largest of the three. It is a level gravel pad which can be as large as required. This pad is not equipped with a rig up shack or power. Its primary use is for rigs with very large footprints, or when the other pads are in use.